Personal Information

Contact information

Home Facing Foreclosure

Monthly Living Expenses

Counseling Services Agreement

Personal Information

* fields are mandatory

Contact information

* fields are mandatory

Information on Home Facing Foreclosure/Mortgage Concerns

Maximum 250 Characters

Current Mortgage (answer us much as you can)

Maximum 250 Characters

Explain Underlying Cause of your Current Mortgage Problem

Please explain the underlying causes of your current mortgage problems:

Maximum 1000 Characters

Nondiscrimination Policy Credit Counseling of Arkansas strives to serve all members of the community and does not discriminate in the selection of clients in our programs or services with respect to age, race, religion, color, gender, or disability.

  • Prompt counseling services for managing money based on your financial situation.
  • Courteous assistance with dignity and respect.
  • Active involvement in an assessment of your financial situation including a Plan of Action.
  • Express dissatisfaction through a Complaint Resolution Process.
  • Discontinue your relationship with CCOA at any time by providing written notice.
  • Ask questions and to have your concerns addressed.

Monthly Living Expenses

** Estimate your monthly living expenses below. Round off figures to the closest dollar amount. Don't include any amounts that are payroll deducted.





Second Mortgage


Vehicle 1


Vehicle 2


Natural Gas, Propane, Heating








Cell Phone, Pager


Cable TV, Satellite, Internet


Groceries, Toiletries, Cleaning


Lunch & Vending at Work


School Lunches


Dinners Out


Child Care


Child Support


Medical, Prescription Drugs




Car Maintenance & Repair


Car Insurance


Health, Life Insurance


Homeowner's, Renter's Insurance


Real Estate Taxes


Personal Property Taxes


Tithes, Offerings, Charity


Dry Cleaning, Laundromat


Tobacco, Alcohol


Entertainment, Vacations




Tuition, Books, Supplies, Lessons


Barber, Beauty


Streaming Services


Other:Pet,Club Dues,Misc.



List all debts/creditors not included under "MonthlyLiving Expenses" in the previous section. Round off all figures to the nearest dollar.

Name of Creditor Balance Current Payment Int. Rate



You can add more rows by clicking the "Add Row" button below.









Monthly Household Income(Net-after Taxes,etc.)

Pay periods/Month
Take-Home/Period Monthly Sub-total
Your Income: X =
Spouse/Partner Income: X =
X =
X =
X =
Total Monthly Net Income $

** Annual Gross income is the total earnings before taxes or other deductions.

Counseling Services Agreement

We understand that you are contacting us to help deal with a mortgage problem. As a HUD- approved housing counseling agency, we are here to provide free, confidential housing counseling to help you resolve your housing concerns. One thing to clarify at the start: We are a counseling agency, not a financial institution. We cannot refinance your existing mortgage. Nor can we lend you money to cure your mortgage delinquency and bring your mortgage current. Instead, we will help you assess your current financial/housing situation, clarify your housing goals, explain the available options for working with your mortgage company, and explore other options. We may also assist you in working with your mortgage lender. In addition, we may put you in touch with other community resources that could help with your overall financial situation. We will not tell you what you must do. Instead, we help you explore various options, and possible solutions. Ultimately, we let you decide the course of action to follow.

CCOA offers other counseling services, such as budget counseling, debt management program, credit report review sessions, pre-purchase bankruptcy counseling, and various financial education workshops. Though your counselor may discuss these other services with you, you are not obligated to use these, or any other services/resources mentioned to you. The housing counselor conducting your session has been trained and certified according to standards set by the HUD. While our counselors have training in a variety of housing issues, they are not lawyers and cannot provide you with legal advice. You will receive a written Plan of Action upon completion of the counseling session. It will lay out the counselor's recommendations for resolving your mortgage concerns.

Statement of Privacy and Confidentiality

CCOA is committed to maintaining your privacy. All information shared with us will be managed within legal and ethical considerations. We will only release your personal financial information to your mortgage company or creditors with your specific authorization. We may also use case file information for the purpose of researching, evaluating and improving our services, in which case your anonymity will be maintained by using your client number, or by compiling statistical data. In all other situations, your financial information may be released to appropriate individuals or agencies only upon your written request, or when we have been served by a valid subpoena.

Access to nonpublic personal information about you is restricted to those employees who need the information to provide services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.

I have read and I understand the disclosures made above. Signature:
* fields are mandatory