Starting The New Year With A Financial Focus

The new year is just around the corner. We are seeing a lot of people who are financially struggling or financially stretched. Costs remain high on so many things. Inflation has far surpassed pay raises and job bonuses. In fact, 56% of Americans say inflation is their biggest financial concern for 2025, according to WalletHub.

Setting goals for the new year is wise, because as the saying goes, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll probably hit it.” Being proactive and having that constant top-of-mind awareness towards improving your savings, debt and financial stability is a great focus to have. 

Don’t have a budget? Create one (and our financial counselors can create one with you). Have a budget already? Now would be a good time to review it and revise it as needed.

Maybe one of your goals will be to pay off a store credit card, or increase your emergency savings fund. Whatever you may choose to do, be sure to write it down, have it on your phone as a continual reminder, and tell someone who can check in on your progress from time-to-time for accountability and to be your cheerleader in achieving your goals.