Getting Through the Month
Alex Sanchez of Arvest Bank helps us get through the month with a flexible spending plan. In this class you’ll learn: How to use a cash flow budget Ways to get ahead of money problems Strategies to improve your cash flow Resource …
Administrar el Dinero Durante Emergencias
Durante esta pandemia, es posible que no tenga suficiente dinero para llegar a fin de mes. Priorizar tendrá que convertirse en su foco principal. Algunos consejos para ayudarlo a administrar su efectivo después de COVID-19. Ajustar la mentalidad: su pensamiento tiene que …
CCOA COVID-19 Guia de Dinero
Hay un montón de listas de recursos flotando por ahí para ayudarlo a navegar los impactos de COVID-19. Nuestros profesionales financieros han estado buscando en Internet los mejores recursos para ayudarlo a tomar mejores decisiones de dinero durante la pandemia. Hemos reunido …
CCOA COVID-19 Money Guide
Español There are a ton of resource lists floating around out there to help you navigate the impacts of COVID-19. Our caring financial professionals have been scouring the internet for the best resources to help you make better money decisions during the …
Managing Cash Flow During Emergencies
Español During this pandemic, you may not have enough money to make ends meet. Prioritizing will have to become your main focus. Some tips to help you manage your cash flow in the wake of COVID-19. Adjust Mindset: Your thinking has to …
Your Cash Strategy for COVID-19
Español Develop a spending plan to prioritize needs If you haven’t already, use this crisis as an opportunity to develop a spending plan. List every type of monthly expense and then categorize the list as essential (rent, utilities), then less essential (consumer …