The 2 Best Things You Can Do to Improve Your Credit Score
“How can I improve my credit score?” is something that we hear very often. We could write pages and pages of information on this topic. But these are perhaps the two best things you can do to improve your score: #1 Pay …
Are Deferred Interest Offers a Good Deal?
According to WalletHub, around 40% of the major retailers offering 0% financing use a potentially dangerous feature called deferred interest, which has the potential to make holiday purchases up to 27.5 times more expensive than expected. Let’s say you buy a $2,000 …
4 Tips for a Financially Successful New Year in a Tough Economy
The U.S. economy is in the worst shape in 40 years and financial experts expect it to worsen in the coming months. Do you have a plan to help you financially navigate 2023? A few helpful tips: 1. Record your goals. People …
3 Holiday Spending Tips
Some experts say that we are already in a recession, while others say we are just months away from one. Regardless, holiday spending will still continue. How can you enjoy the holidays, but avoid overspending, especially during an unstable economy? 1. Always …
Start Planning Now for Your Holiday Spending
Why is it that Christmas always falls on December 25, but it often just seems to catch us off-guard with our holiday planning, saving and budgeting? It might only be September, but now is a good time to start looking at your …
Avoiding More Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt is once again on the rise. In fact, it’s greatly increasing, perhaps largely due to the sharp increase in inflation which has been greatly hurting family budgets. Using a credit card is fine, of course. However, accumulating debt and …
What Is A Debt Spiral?
Taking on more and more debt, while still paying on-time monthly payments, is not a healthy situation. It’s actually referred to as a “Debt Spiral.” Sometimes people add to their credit card debt because of an emergency which they don’t have the …
Stretch Your Gas Dollar To Lessen Your Pain At The Pump — Part 2
Gasoline prices continue to hurt a lot of people at the pump as it continues skyrocketing. With gasoline currently averaging $4.126 a gallon in Arkansas (as of today, 5-19-22), it’s an enormous financial strain on many households. Add to that the worst inflation …
Stretch Your Gas Dollar To Lessen Your Pain At The Pump
Gasoline prices are presently hurting a lot of people at the pump. With gasoline currently averaging around $3.70 a gallon in Arkansas and $4.32 nationally, it’s a strain on many households. Additionally, the worst inflation in 40 years makes it a double …
Financial Literacy Month and You
April is Financial Literacy Month. Financial literacy is simply having the knowledge and skills that allows you to make your best, most informed financial decisions. There are two free, but incredibly valuable, things that you can do to increase your financial literacy …