5 Financial Tips for 2025
CCOA has helped thousands of people to achieve financial stability and reach their financial goals. For your free appointment, call 479-521-8877 or fill out the appointment form at www.CCOAcares.com …
Starting The New Year With A Financial Focus
The new year is just around the corner. We are seeing a lot of people who are financially struggling or financially stretched. Costs remain high on so many things. Inflation has far surpassed pay raises and job bonuses. In fact, 56% of …
Creating New Year Financial Goals
The new year is a great time to review your overall personal finances: See how much you have in savings, investments, debt, expenses, etc., and review, update or create your personal budget. Create some financial goals for the year. Goals can be …
What Is Deferred Interest And How Does It Work?
“Six months – No payments! No interest!” sounds great to buy something on credit. But what is the “fine print” of offers like that? WalletHub states that 61% of people are unaware of how deferred interest works. How does it work? Let’s …
What Exactly Is Credit Counseling?
Many people have heard the term “credit counseling” but they don’t know much about what it actually is. People often don’t really know exactly what to expect with credit counseling and they may have some anxiety at the thought of doing it. …
How Do People Feel As A Result Of Credit Counseling?
People are sometimes reluctant to do credit counseling because they aren’t sure what the experience will be like. However, the reality is that talking with one of CCOA’s compassionate, non-judgmental financial counselors typically removes a lot of stress for someone. Here is …
3 Smart Credit Card Tips
Credit cards are a tool, and like any tool, they can be used wisely or poorly. Here are a few smart credit card usage tips: For info on what goes into a credit score and tips on how to raise yours, go …
Funding Your Summer Road Trip
Whether you’re looking forward to spending time with family, getting outdoors, or taking a road trip – some of your biggest plans likely need a car to get you where you want to go this summer. Here are a few quick tips …
How much car can I afford?
For many people the purchase of a vehicle will become a top priority in their financial goals at some point. Our counseling team is often asked about what amount is appropriate to spend on a vehicle. Here are a few questions they …
Dealing With Growing Credit Card Debt
Cómo Afrontar la Creciente Deuda de las Tarjetas de Crédito Credit card debt is on the rise. Americans now owe more than $1.1 trillion on their credit cards. Late payments are on the rise, as well. How can you deal with credit …